Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Canton Chaos

My full time job is still "Mom of 2 little ones." But I recently became employed part time with a company called ExploreLearning. It allows me to use my teaching experience and knowledge of math curriculum, and I'm able to stay current in the world of education and keep something on my resume. I'm a Certified Trainer, so they send me to train teachers to use their online "Gizmos." And sometimes, it involves travel.  This week, I had the craziest trip that unraveled in such a way that I couldn't resist re-telling. I call it- 

Canton Chaos

So everything started out fine. Boarded my flight in DFW with the bare minimum packed, a few good books, and the People magazine with wedding photos of Brangelina. We hit heavy turbulence that scared me quite a bit but it probably only lasted 5 minutes- which felt like a lifetime. We landed late and took forever taxiing which resulted in me sprinting to catch my connection in Chicago. Or so I thought. First I had to stand in line to wait on the shuttle that took me to a different terminal. Then I sprinted. Only to find that my flight was delayed due to mechanical issues. Scared to leave the gate and miss my chance to board, I dealt with the fact that a bag of peanuts would be my dinner.  This flight was much more smooth, and the weather in Canton, Ohio was a breath of fresh air. 

At 10:00pm I was renting my car and trying to find my way out of the airport, which was NOT clearly marked. And where were the streetlights?! Talk about a fish outta water. I was flailing like one, that's for sure. My GPS finally got me to my hotel destination (and I made a drive through McDonalds too!) 

After an "only ok" nights sleep, I was looking forward to a hot shower to wake me up. Unfortunately, the "mysterious shower gremlin" had other plans. I turned the water on to the red/hot side, undressed, and went to check the water and turn the dial to get the temp just right. Only...the nozzle wouldn't turn! What? That can't be right. After using all my might, I tried turning the nozzle several times.....only confirming that my shower was stuck on steaming hot water. It would not budge.  Calling the front desk and maintenance center didn't help, because both lines were busy. So I threw on my clothes, ran down to the front desk and told the manager my story. She came to check it out and said that the maintenance crew wasn't available yet.  It was now too late for me to shower, so I gave up on that idea (especially since there was no other room in the entire hotel available). As my room continued to fill with hot steam (causing my naturally-curly-but-straightened-hair to frizz!) I decided to take my hair and makeup kit to the public bathroom to get ready for the day. And pray that my deodorant would do the trick! (Since perfume can't be packed in a carry-on bag!) 

After breakfast, I made my way to the school where my training would take place. The morning went well from there. Lunch was just what the doctor ordered. And then...."Aunt Flow" decided to show up in the middle of my afternoon session! Luckily I was fully prepared (benefits of birth control!) and our scheduled break was perfect timing to run to the ladies' room.  (Sorry if this is TMI for you. But we all know Aunt Flow has the potential to insanely ruin someone's day!) The training ended and I made my way to the airport with plenty of time before I was due to board my first flight. I devoured an Arby's sandwich (even though it was4:30) in preparation for what might be another close connection. And Lord knows I would need food in my tummy this time. 

As I was sitting there, thinking everything was on schedule, my phone's Weather Alert beeps with a Tornado Warning. "Seek shelter" it read. Honestly, I didn't panic. I seriously almost laughed out loud. I knew that if there was an immediate threat, the airport would announce for us to seek shelter. And they didn't. They calmed us by telling us that the weather was off to the north and they were watching it closely. In fact, it didn't even cause a delay for my flight. But something had to....right? I mean, I wasn't gonna get off easy after the trip I've been on. And on cue, 15 minutes later, they announced that my flight was delayed due to mechanical issues. 

My immediate thought was, "Well, I won't be getting home tonight. No way I can make my connection now! No possible way!" As the line formed at the info desk with people having the same issue, I sat still. I called my hubby to tell him my next piece of "good news." He suggested that I go to a different desk, because any of them can help me. So I wandered to the gate just 200 feet away and patiently waited my turn. Little did I know that they had just finished boarding a flight to Atlanta. It was my turn, and I told the girl my situation. She was typing furiously and then asked if I wanted the 9:00 flight to Dallas out of Atlanta. (My original connection was supposed to be in Detroit) I said yes! She printed my new boarding passes and told me to run! The flight attendants were literally closing the doors to the plane as I ran up to it. Imagine your favorite "winning" movie scene- you know, one with victory music and a champion celebrating his win in slow motion.  That was me. 

You see, I started the day thinking "someone is out to ruin this for me....and I'm not going to let them!"  That morning, the hotel manager was super surprised that I was nice to her and that I was completely understanding about the shower situation. In fact, I told her that I was worried about all the hot water being wasted. Aunt Flow couldn't ruin it.  Tornadoes couldn't even ruin it. It's all because I chose to TRUST my Savior today.  You see, I opened my Bible App at breakfast, and the verse of the day was Romans 15:13. "I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit."  Amazing, isn't it? I knew the Holy Spirit was with me- no matter what was going to be thrown my way. He's always with me, because I earnestly ask Him to be. 

I know my story may seem like a list of First World Problems to you. They may seem trivial compared to what you and your family is going through. But in any and all situations- no matter how big or how small- God is there for you. He will carry you through.  My mom has a now-semi-famous saying. She has used it to end her daily announcements at every school she has been a principal for. "Make it a great day or not.  The choice is yours."

Thursday, May 29, 2014

ABC's and 123's for PreSchoolers

My almost-3-year-old son just completed his first year of preschool!  Now that summer is here, I will be doing my best to work with him on reading and math skills.  (We'll be utilizing our time together while little sister is napping in the mornings.)  Here are some awesome tools I use:

PreSchool Alphabet Workbook & Sticker Activity Book
I found these at the grocery store - I'm sure there are hundreds to choose from and even better selections in educational stores.  The alphabet book on the left teaches kids to draw lines first (straight, diagonal, curved, etc.) and then teaches them to write their letters.  The sticker activity book is fun; kids search for different objects that start with a certain letter.  It also involves some drawing and coloring.

Construction Paper, Markers, and Stickers
Create your own activity using materials you probably already have at home!  Pick a letter of the alphabet, draw it for your child.  Together, come up with words that start with that letter.  Write the letter in pencil and have your child trace the letter with marker.  Repeat :)  Then find stickers of objects (or characters) that start with that letter.  We did this recently with the letter M, shown below.

iPad Apps
I searched "preschool counting" and found multiple free apps with math (and reading) games!  The key here is to sit with your child and work through the app with them!!  Once they get the hang of it, you can let them go on their own and they will become more proficient.  Remember that learners need MODELING and EXPLORATION.  Mommy (or daddy) needs to spend time modeling, teaching, and talking with the child first.  Then you can let them explore and learn things on their own through the amazing technology we have available.  Below is a picture of my son practicing writing his numbers. (App shown here is "123 Tracing")
Other Resources:
Free Printable Alphabet Coloring Pages (
Reading Skills to focus on at this level are comprehension and sequencing.  Check out this link to learn more about how to help your child with these skills.(
Math Skills to focus on at this level include:
  • recognizing numbers and counting
  • exploring patterns
  • sorting
  • shapes and colors
One more thing to remember is that your child has a short attention span at this age!  "Lessons with mom" should be short, fun, and rewarding.  Encourage them and tell them "good job!" when they deserve it.  Reward them for working so hard.  Give them a reason to WANT to spend time learning each day.
Happy Teaching!!




Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Cowboy and the Crawler

I love the free entertainment that my children provide for me.  My daughter is now crawling all over the house, and my son is obsessed with the "cowboy ranch" our family just purchased in west Texas.  He wears boots everywhere, he dressed up as a cowboy for Halloween, and he looks forward to Fridays because it's "Cowboy Ranch Day" most weeks.  This weekend (as a Winter Weather Warning is in effect) he went with his daddy to the ranch to "shoot those dirty pigs."  He took a BB gun and all his cold weather gear.  Meanwhile, I stayed home with little princess in an effort to stay warm.  Life is fun around here.  Although this means we are apart for a few days, I know the Male Bonding taking place at the ranch is precious.  So while the cowboys are away, I'll snuggle up with this little Crawler and listen to my Christmas music.

Beautiful Mess

Let's face it - Motherhood is messy.  Before our little angels were born, we dreamed of the day we'd be rocking them to sleep, singing lullabies and whispering sweet "I love you's."  Once they arrive, we hit freak-out mode with every minor decision that gets thrown our way.  Their cute, cuddly nature melts our hearts and fills our camera rolls.  The special bond we share is stronger than Superman's powers and the depth of love we have for our children is unsurpassed.  No matter how hard we try to follow society's rules or steps for successful parenting, we always feel like we fall short in some area.  We battle post partum depression, exhaustion, tantrums, diapers, bottles, nap schedules, outings, carseats, etc.....wondering when we'll get a chance to shower, or at least brush our teeth.  Life with little ones gets messy - but I wouldn't have it any other way.  The love I have for these little ones is the most BEAUTIFUL blessing of all.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Technology Overload

In today's world, technology surrounds us 24/7.  Between the iPhone, iPad, iPod, TV, radio, computers, and kiddie toy gadgets ...  I get lost.  Just one of these devices is enough to make me crazy if I spend too much time with it.  Don't get me wrong - I love me some technology!  My father is a tech-guru.  I've learned alot from him.  I would be a junky if I didn't put a limit on myself.  But the point is - I've put a limit on myself. 

My 2 year old can use the iPad just as well as I can.  One day soon, he's going to be teaching me how to use an App he's's crazy.  And as much as I want him to be technology literate (because his future demands it) I also want him to know how to survive without it.  I want him to explore the world the old-fashioned way.  As great a tool as computers are, there's still nothing like taking a nature walk and exploring the world around us without an iPhone attached to our hip.  As fun as it is to keep up with people through Facebook, there's still nothing like face to face interaction with people. 

I challenge you:
Turn your phone off and try to spend 3 uninterrupted hours with your kids with NO technology allowed and see what happens today.

TechniColored Dreaming

See this article at

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Feeding Frenzies & Diaper Dances

Welcoming Baby #2 brought me such joy on April 1.  My son was the first visitor to meet his new sister after she was born.  Watching him love and accept her warmed my heart.  Our new family dynamic would prove to be more challenging once we brought her home and Big Brother realized that Little Sis took some of the attention away from him.  Nevertheless, the blessings abound! 

Caring for baby #2 sure seems alot easier.  I'm more at ease; I know what I'm doing.  I know it's ok to let her cry.  However, returning to the days of feeding her every 2-3 hours and changing diapers at the same frequency has left me WEARY.  I get some sleep, but never more than a few hours at a time.  Having experienced this before, I knew it was coming.  But I had forgotten how much it drains you!  And I often wonder how I survived teaching full-time the first time around. 

For those of you experiencing the same weariness, let me offer some encouragement that I recently found in Psalms.  (including some personal commentary)

You've probably seen or heard this one numerous times-
Psalm 23:1-3 (NLT)
The Lord is my shepherd;
I have all that I need.
He lets me rest in green meadows;
he leads me beside peaceful streams.
He renews my strength.
He guides me along right paths,
bringing honor to his name.

My first thought, "Rest in green meadows, along peaceful streams?! That would be nice right about now! I'll take rest in a barn if it just means I could sleep more than 3 hours at a time."  But suppose its a metaphor. How do I find rest and peace? God does provide opportunities for it...I just have to change my attitude, open my eyes, and take notice of the blessings surrounding me.  I can take advantage of the kids' naptime to take time for myself.  Ideas?  Put off the laundry 10 minutes and go sit outside by my pool, close my eyes, and enjoy the silence.  NO iPhones allowed!! 

Psalm 40:8 says "I take joy in doing your will, my God,
for your instructions are written on my heart."

My first thought, "Being a mommy and carrying out all the duties that come with it is God's will for my life.  I should take joy in ALL of those duties."  I'm learning to find that joy in the countless feedings and diaper changes through the midnight hours.  I used to roll out of bed so begrudgingly, but this sacrifice of unconditional love is great in God's sight.  It also helps me bond with my baby when all else is quiet...something very rare now that there's 2 kids around here. They grow up too fast and this will only last a short season. I'll turn around, she'll be going to prom, and I'll be wishing she was back in my arms wanting to simply eat and poop at 4am. And then fall asleep cuddled up on my chest :)  So I will choose JOY in EVERY moment that I'm blessed to share with her.  (Same goes for my son...through terrible two tantrums and all.)

Attitude is everything.  When my attitude starts to stink, I've learned to open Psalms and read a prayer of thanksgiving and praise.  It's amazing how quickly my outlook begins to change.