Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Cowboy and the Crawler

I love the free entertainment that my children provide for me.  My daughter is now crawling all over the house, and my son is obsessed with the "cowboy ranch" our family just purchased in west Texas.  He wears boots everywhere, he dressed up as a cowboy for Halloween, and he looks forward to Fridays because it's "Cowboy Ranch Day" most weeks.  This weekend (as a Winter Weather Warning is in effect) he went with his daddy to the ranch to "shoot those dirty pigs."  He took a BB gun and all his cold weather gear.  Meanwhile, I stayed home with little princess in an effort to stay warm.  Life is fun around here.  Although this means we are apart for a few days, I know the Male Bonding taking place at the ranch is precious.  So while the cowboys are away, I'll snuggle up with this little Crawler and listen to my Christmas music.

Beautiful Mess

Let's face it - Motherhood is messy.  Before our little angels were born, we dreamed of the day we'd be rocking them to sleep, singing lullabies and whispering sweet "I love you's."  Once they arrive, we hit freak-out mode with every minor decision that gets thrown our way.  Their cute, cuddly nature melts our hearts and fills our camera rolls.  The special bond we share is stronger than Superman's powers and the depth of love we have for our children is unsurpassed.  No matter how hard we try to follow society's rules or steps for successful parenting, we always feel like we fall short in some area.  We battle post partum depression, exhaustion, tantrums, diapers, bottles, nap schedules, outings, carseats, etc.....wondering when we'll get a chance to shower, or at least brush our teeth.  Life with little ones gets messy - but I wouldn't have it any other way.  The love I have for these little ones is the most BEAUTIFUL blessing of all.