Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Cowboy and the Crawler

I love the free entertainment that my children provide for me.  My daughter is now crawling all over the house, and my son is obsessed with the "cowboy ranch" our family just purchased in west Texas.  He wears boots everywhere, he dressed up as a cowboy for Halloween, and he looks forward to Fridays because it's "Cowboy Ranch Day" most weeks.  This weekend (as a Winter Weather Warning is in effect) he went with his daddy to the ranch to "shoot those dirty pigs."  He took a BB gun and all his cold weather gear.  Meanwhile, I stayed home with little princess in an effort to stay warm.  Life is fun around here.  Although this means we are apart for a few days, I know the Male Bonding taking place at the ranch is precious.  So while the cowboys are away, I'll snuggle up with this little Crawler and listen to my Christmas music.

Beautiful Mess

Let's face it - Motherhood is messy.  Before our little angels were born, we dreamed of the day we'd be rocking them to sleep, singing lullabies and whispering sweet "I love you's."  Once they arrive, we hit freak-out mode with every minor decision that gets thrown our way.  Their cute, cuddly nature melts our hearts and fills our camera rolls.  The special bond we share is stronger than Superman's powers and the depth of love we have for our children is unsurpassed.  No matter how hard we try to follow society's rules or steps for successful parenting, we always feel like we fall short in some area.  We battle post partum depression, exhaustion, tantrums, diapers, bottles, nap schedules, outings, carseats, etc.....wondering when we'll get a chance to shower, or at least brush our teeth.  Life with little ones gets messy - but I wouldn't have it any other way.  The love I have for these little ones is the most BEAUTIFUL blessing of all.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Technology Overload

In today's world, technology surrounds us 24/7.  Between the iPhone, iPad, iPod, TV, radio, computers, and kiddie toy gadgets ...  I get lost.  Just one of these devices is enough to make me crazy if I spend too much time with it.  Don't get me wrong - I love me some technology!  My father is a tech-guru.  I've learned alot from him.  I would be a junky if I didn't put a limit on myself.  But the point is - I've put a limit on myself. 

My 2 year old can use the iPad just as well as I can.  One day soon, he's going to be teaching me how to use an App he's's crazy.  And as much as I want him to be technology literate (because his future demands it) I also want him to know how to survive without it.  I want him to explore the world the old-fashioned way.  As great a tool as computers are, there's still nothing like taking a nature walk and exploring the world around us without an iPhone attached to our hip.  As fun as it is to keep up with people through Facebook, there's still nothing like face to face interaction with people. 

I challenge you:
Turn your phone off and try to spend 3 uninterrupted hours with your kids with NO technology allowed and see what happens today.

TechniColored Dreaming

See this article at

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Feeding Frenzies & Diaper Dances

Welcoming Baby #2 brought me such joy on April 1.  My son was the first visitor to meet his new sister after she was born.  Watching him love and accept her warmed my heart.  Our new family dynamic would prove to be more challenging once we brought her home and Big Brother realized that Little Sis took some of the attention away from him.  Nevertheless, the blessings abound! 

Caring for baby #2 sure seems alot easier.  I'm more at ease; I know what I'm doing.  I know it's ok to let her cry.  However, returning to the days of feeding her every 2-3 hours and changing diapers at the same frequency has left me WEARY.  I get some sleep, but never more than a few hours at a time.  Having experienced this before, I knew it was coming.  But I had forgotten how much it drains you!  And I often wonder how I survived teaching full-time the first time around. 

For those of you experiencing the same weariness, let me offer some encouragement that I recently found in Psalms.  (including some personal commentary)

You've probably seen or heard this one numerous times-
Psalm 23:1-3 (NLT)
The Lord is my shepherd;
I have all that I need.
He lets me rest in green meadows;
he leads me beside peaceful streams.
He renews my strength.
He guides me along right paths,
bringing honor to his name.

My first thought, "Rest in green meadows, along peaceful streams?! That would be nice right about now! I'll take rest in a barn if it just means I could sleep more than 3 hours at a time."  But suppose its a metaphor. How do I find rest and peace? God does provide opportunities for it...I just have to change my attitude, open my eyes, and take notice of the blessings surrounding me.  I can take advantage of the kids' naptime to take time for myself.  Ideas?  Put off the laundry 10 minutes and go sit outside by my pool, close my eyes, and enjoy the silence.  NO iPhones allowed!! 

Psalm 40:8 says "I take joy in doing your will, my God,
for your instructions are written on my heart."

My first thought, "Being a mommy and carrying out all the duties that come with it is God's will for my life.  I should take joy in ALL of those duties."  I'm learning to find that joy in the countless feedings and diaper changes through the midnight hours.  I used to roll out of bed so begrudgingly, but this sacrifice of unconditional love is great in God's sight.  It also helps me bond with my baby when all else is quiet...something very rare now that there's 2 kids around here. They grow up too fast and this will only last a short season. I'll turn around, she'll be going to prom, and I'll be wishing she was back in my arms wanting to simply eat and poop at 4am. And then fall asleep cuddled up on my chest :)  So I will choose JOY in EVERY moment that I'm blessed to share with her.  (Same goes for my son...through terrible two tantrums and all.)

Attitude is everything.  When my attitude starts to stink, I've learned to open Psalms and read a prayer of thanksgiving and praise.  It's amazing how quickly my outlook begins to change.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


My baby girl is due in 2 weeks, 4 days.  As I wait (as patiently as humanly possible) for her to make her debut, I also have alot going on that keeps my mind a 20-month-old son that never stops.  His new favorite game is "hock sticks" - aka hockey.  Daddy bought him his very own hockey stick and started teaching him recently.  So fun!  He's also obsessed with "mommy" right now.  I'm soaking in every moment I have with him before my attention has to be divided.

In great anticipation of welcoming this new bundle of joy into our lives, I've been doing some creative writing as well.

How did I get so lucky?  How am I so blessed?
Sleeping like an angel, but soon to wake & make a mess,
This little boy in front of me has stolen my whole heart.
As he becomes Big Brother soon, I know he's perfect for the part.
Humorous and inquisitive, he amazes me every day,
I cannot wait to watch him shower love on Reese Elaine.

Little girl inside of me,
You bring me so much joy.
I want to meet you, hold and kiss you,
Prayers for your health I greatly employ.
You enjoy dancing in my tummy
Day and night and night and day!
I anticipate the talents God will bless you with;
He will soon show you the way.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” He promises,
And I can clearly see
That this hope for a bright future
Is in store for you and me.
May you grow to know His unending love,
And never do forget
That this same love of the Savior
Is the kind I’ve had for you before we met.






Friday, February 15, 2013

Not-So-Terrible Twos

As my son nears the age of 2, we are starting to have those moments of "gotta have my way" tantrums.  However, if we stick to our guns, tell him No, and ignore the tears (and red-faced loud cries that accompany them) then he usually realizes that we mean business and he stops.  It's amazing how quickly those tears turn to giggles if we say or do something he thinks is funny.  In fact, "funny" should probably be his middle name.  This kid can make me laugh all day long if I chose to sit and be entertained.  He must've gotten the "goober gene" from his Diggy (my dad.)  I'm telling you- he is the happiest, most charming, well behaved (for the most part), cheeseball (who will pose for pictures), talking, singing, & dancing-est 19-month-old on the planet.  I also happen to think he's the cutest and smartest....but keep in mind this is coming from a mom who's hopelessly devoted and in love with her child.  I'm pretty sure every mom has the same opinion of her you should!

Most days, I sit back and think to myself, "How did we get so lucky?  We have the most amazing kid."  But let's be realistic here too - there are times when I want to pull my hair out.  There are days when the reality of "stay at home mom" gets the best of me....because it comes with some really repetitive, mundane, tiresome tasks that can suck the life out of you....if you're not careful.  To name a few:  cooking, waitressing, cleaning, budgeting, grocery shopping, teaching, picking up toys, reading (the same books over and over), rocking/soothing/fighting naptime....and then realizing you haven't brushed your teeth (much less showered) today. 

So I've acquired a few ideas that MIGHT help put the fun back in motherhood for you.  And they might make those Terrible Twos not so terrible after all.

1.  Shake up the routine every now and then - you don't have to live and die by a schedule.  Be spontaneous - if the weather is nice, go to the park.  Yes, kids need structure....but they also need surprises.  They need to know that mommy can have fun too.  It's ok to put the laundry off until tomorrow - clothes can wait.  Your baby won't be a baby very long.

2.  Turn off the TV and play together.  I have a rule that we only watch cartoons or talk shows until 10 am.  After that, we play, we read, we go outside, we snack....and we don't need the TV as background noise that fills our head with more junk.  If you need some noise, turn on some music.  (This might encourage a dance party!)  Lack of TV will encourage you to get creative.  And most importantly, it will allow you to interact with your children.  (Something a television can NOT do.)  Play with them, talk to them, teach them something.  You may simply need to teach your child HOW to play.  (Kids don't naturally know how to play with new toys....until it has been modeled for them.  They play "make believe" because they're mimicking adult behaviors that they learn from watching you.  Think about it.)  When you make yourself get on their level and play WITH your children, you will find the inner-child in yourself.  You will remember what it was like to be young and care-free.  You will get more joy than any household task (or TV show) could offer.  That's a promise.

3.  Search for educational, age-appropriate activities and free field trips. (Hello, Pinterest lovers!  Don't just pin it...try it!)  Go to your local library.  Go to the park or take walks on nice days.  Plan playdates with friends. (The pictures below were taken at Barnes & Noble and home. My son loves books so we took a trip to the store and I let him pick out a new book. He chose a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse box set of 12 small board books...and he hasn't put them down since we bought them!!) Figure out what type of activities trigger your little one's love of learning and foster that.

As an experienced educator, I don't claim to have all the answers.  But I do have some insight about Discipline during the Toddler Years, because discipline strategies are similar at every age.  I've always relied on Love & Logic.  Show your love by giving your children the attention they need when they need it.  When they're tugging at your leg, hitting, yelling or screaming, they're asking for your attention.  Be as patient and calm as possible when you talk to them about whatever it is they need.  Don't get physical or loud back to them, because that just enforces their behavior that was so frustrating to you.  Be logical in your response to their request.  It's ok to say no.  If they keep screaming, don't give in.  Remain firm.  Ignore their bad behavior and simply walk away.  If you choose to give in after initially saying no, then they win and they own you.  (This only makes matters worse!!)  It's also ok to say yes.  Give in sometimes when they least expect it.  Let them play outside if they want to.  It may require you to stop what you're doing and go with them....but that's ok!  The key here is - let your yes be yes and your no be no.  Consistency is key.


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Precious Preggo Moments

Robbie Mac, almost 19 months now, is warming up to the idea of having a baby sister arrive soon!  We're teaching him how to "be gentle."  We're reserving the word "baby" for true little babies, because now he's a "big boy."  He knows exactly where Reese is (he points to my tummy) and he likes giving her kisses.  He even likes going into her room to play...even though there are no toys on hand and he's surrounded by purple, lime, and pink ;)

At one point, I was looking through a bag of fun girly hair-bows that a friend passed down for Reese, and Robbie decided to spread them all over her floor.  All I could do was laugh...and soak in the moment.  Since they will only be 21 months apart and my attention is about to become split (or diverted, from Robbie's perspective), I'm trying to make the most of every moment that I have with my son before my daughter makes her debut.  He's such a Momma's Boy that I know we will continue to bond, even when Reese is here.  My life-balancing-act will become a tad more challenging...but bring it on!  Life is about to get even sweeter.  And I can't wait to watch it unfold!



Friday, January 4, 2013

Girly Girl!

I'm expecting our second baby in 3 months and I was over-joyed to find out that my son would become a big brother to a little GIRL! Don't get me wrong- I love boys and would've been over-joyed either way. And honestly, I suddenly became more nervous about raising a girl than a boy. Mainly because of the way our society idolizes sex and makes girls feel like they have a standard of beauty and size to measure up to. When I recently started decorating her nursery (so fun!) I wanted to find a way to instill God's Word and His everlasting love. So the theme of her room will be:

Love and Beauty

I've attached some pictures of things I've bought and made for the room. Can't wait to get it all put together!! More pics to come...