Thursday, October 4, 2012

Batters Up!

We love Texas Rangers Baseball! (and sports in general) So naturally we can't wait for our little man to be big enough to join some type of organized little league it soccer, t-ball, or whatever his wish. Daddy taught him to swing a bat last weekend, and ever since he has been totally fascinated by this fun game. He can already kick and throw a ball but sometimes he gets easy entertainment by watching mommy and daddy throw the ball across the living room to each other. It's like keep-away but he doesn't try to grab it from us yet. He just watches in amazement and laughs as we become little kids again with our antics. I know one day I will be the cliche mom yelling, "Take the ball outside! No practicing in the house!" but for now, it's 100% approved :)

It's never too early to teach your babies whatever you feel the urge to teach them. At this age when their brains are little sponges, give them every opportunity to soak up the knowledge! Physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual knowledge.

The saying is true:
Knowledge is power.

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