Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Favorite Games - 15 months

My son and I are developing some fun games to play together!  He's about to be 15 months old, and his little personality is cracking us up.  Here are some of the things we love to do:
  • Dance Party - I turn on my favorite Pandora station or iTunes album and we just start to boogie!  He's copying everything I do right now, so watching him dance is simply hilarious.
  • Ball games - We go outside and TRY to kick, chase, or bounce the ball.  (The ball I'm referring to is a small kick-ball type.  Good for soccer and bouncing!)  Inside, we practice throwing smaller softer balls across the room.
  • Categorizing - My son loves to unpack everything from his toy basket, so I'll sit with him and categorize his toys.  I make sure to talk to him while doing this.  (Talking to baby while doing any activity is a good way to build their vocabulary.) 
  • Coloring - He's not quite old enough to enjoy this one yet, but if I sit down to color, then he will mimic me.  This is good, quiet entertainment at restaurants; hence the reason I'm trying to teach him this skill.  :)
  • Sing-Alongs - One very easy way to entertain (and teach) my son is to turn on a SingAlong CD for kids.  I'm learning the songs, and I can make up motions to them as we sing and dance.  Obviously, I have a love for song/dance; therefore, this is one of our favorite activities.
  • Sesame Street - Wow, do I love this one for wake-up time after breakfast in the mornings!  I DVR it from PBS, and we can watch it whenever we please.  It teaches kids so many great things!  LOVE it more than any other kid-show.  Actually, I also LOVE Sid the Science Kid.  (maybe because I'm a teacher, and this one is the perfect show for teaching kids all about the science around them.)
As I think of more activities we enjoy, I will add to this list.
Happy teaching!!

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