Thursday, September 20, 2012

Terrible Twos

They start earlier than that!!  My doctor said they can start as early as 9 months.  And it is oh-so-true in our household.  My son is 15 months old and tearing up the screaming-stomping-kicking-squating tantrum moments.  They are spurred on when he doesn't get his way.  The best thing to do (I've found) is to walk away and simply say, "No, you can't have that right now.  I'm sorry, baby."  It is SO HARD not to laugh!!  Sometimes I go on to tell him why he can't have whatever-it-is.  But this is simply myself needing to rationalize why I'm walking away from a screaming child for a moment. 

It got to the point, today, that he was holding onto my leg for dear life and following me around our bedroom/closet while I was trying to fold and put away clothes.  He simply wanted to be held; I couldn't offer that at the moment.

Sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Good luck!!  Let me know what works and doesn't work for you....?

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